If a generic meal plan isn’t quite working for you, try an individualised meal plan. After purchasing the meal plan, you will receive a Meal Plan Questionnaire. By completing this with as much detail as you can, we will then create an individualised meal plan that ensures the meal plan fits in with your family and your lifestyle. We take into consideration your individual situation (financial, exercise, social, work) and any health conditions and related dietary requirements you may have. Other benefits include: quick and easy meals for busy families, options for meals that do not require any prep and individually calculated nutrient and calorie requirements. Includes recipes and grocery list.
Please read the instructions on the second page regarding sending the questionnaire back to us via email. Contact details have been included. Please note once the meal plan questionnaire is complete and return to Digestive Dietitians, you should expect to receive the meal plan within 7 business days.
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